Prof. Ole Jensen received his MSc degree in electrical engineering in 1993 from the Technical University of Denmark. He then pursued his PhD at Brandeis University in the United states under the supervision of professor John E. Lisman. In 1998 he obtained his PhD degree in neuroscience specializing in computational modeling of oscillatory networks. The modeling approach was used to account for electrophysiological and behavioral findings on memory in rats and humans. As a postdoctoral fellow he applied magnetoencephalography (MEG) to address questions on brain dynamics and human cognition at the Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory. Helsinki University of Technology. He primarily worked with Dr. Claudia Tesche and professor Riitta Hari.
In 2002 he was employed as head of the MEG laboratory at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior and promoted to principal investigator in 2003. In 2013 he was appointed professor at the Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2016 he started a new position as professor in translational neuroscience at University of Birmingham where he is co-director of the new established Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH). In 2016 he received the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and in 2018 The Joseph Chamberlain Award for Academic Advancement at University of Birmingham.
Ole Jensen has authored or co-authored ~200 research papers; some in high impact journals including Nature, PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, Current biology, Trends in Cognitive Sciences and Trends in Neurosciences. His work has received more than 32000 citations and his H-index is 80 (google scholar). He is in the top 1% for citations in Neuroscience & Behavioural Science (Clarivate Analytics, 2018, 2019)"
Module leader of Application of Electrophysiological Approaches in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Postgraduate supervision
The Neuronal Oscillations group will supervise students interested in using MEG applied in cognitive and clinical neuroscience.
Orcid ID:
Ole Jensen’s work focuses on linking oscillatory brain activity to cognition: how does oscillatory brain activity shapes the functional architecture of the working brain in the context of memory and attention. To this end he is using magnetoenceohalography (MEG) in combination with other techniques. Recently he established a facility for the application and development of optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs).
Specifically, the core hypothesis states that neuronal communication is gated by inhibitory alpha oscillations in task-irrelevant regions, thus routing information to task-relevant regions. According to this framework the brain can be studied as a network by investigating cross-frequency interactions between gamma and alpha activity.
The research tools applied by Jensen’s group include computational modeling, MEG, EEG combined with fMRI, EEG combined with TMS and intracranial recordings. These tools are applied to investigate and interpret data from humans and animals performing attention and memory tasks. Furthermore the group investigates these mechanism to understand the basis of attention problems in ADHD patients and the aging population.
Recently he established a Optically Pumped Magnetometers laboratory at the Centre for Brain Health to developed new types of MEG sensors.
See Ole Jensen'sNeuronal Oscillations website
Other activities
- Member of the INS (International Neuropsychological Symposium)
- Chair of the International Conference on Biomagnetism to be held at University Birmingham 2022 (BIOMAG2020)
- Member of the organizing committee of the Internal Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), 2017,2022
- Member of the Cognitive Neuroscience and Mental Health Expert Review Group, The Wellcome Trust, 2017-2018
- Editorial board member. PLOS Biology, 2015-2018
- Editorial board member. Brain Connectivity
- Reviewing editor of eLife
Highlight publications
Pan, Y, Popov, T, Frisson, S & Jensen, O 2023, 'Saccades are locked to the phase of alpha oscillations during natural reading', PLoS Biology, vol. 21, no. 1, e3001968.
Gutteling, TP, Sillekens, L, Lavie, N & Jensen, O 2022, 'Alpha oscillations reflect suppression of distractors with increased perceptual load', Progress in neurobiology, vol. 214, 102285.
Zhao, C, Li, D, Kong, Y, Liu, H, Hu, Y, Niu, H, Jensen, O, Li, X, Liu, H & Song, Y 2022, 'Transcranial photobiomodulation enhances visual working memory capacity in humans.', Science Advances, vol. 8, no. 48.
Ferrante, O, Liu, L, Minarik, T, Gorska, U, Ghafari, T, Luo, H & Jensen, O 2022, 'FLUX: a pipeline for MEG analysis', NeuroImage, vol. 253, 119047.
Recent publications
Cook, H, Bezsudnova, Y, Koponen, LM, Jensen, O, Barontini, G & Kowalczyk, AU 2024, 'An optically pumped magnetic gradiometer for the detection of human biomagnetism', IOP Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, 035016.
Garner, KG, Leow, LA, Uchida, A, Nolan, C, Jensen, O, Garrido, MI & Dux, PE 2024, 'Assessing the influence of dopamine and mindfulness on the formation of routines in visual search', Psychophysiology.
Yang, X, Fiebelkorn, IC, Jensen, O, Knight, RT & Kastner, S 2024, 'Differential neural mechanisms underlie cortical gating of visual spatial attention mediated by alpha-band oscillations', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 121, no. 45, e2313304121.
Pan, Y, Frisson, S, Federmeier, KD & Jensen, O 2024, 'Early parafoveal semantic integration in natural reading', eLife, vol. 12, RP91327.
Fakche, C, Hickey, C & Jensen, O 2024, 'Fast Feature- and Category-Related Parafoveal Previewing Support Free Visual Exploration', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 44, no. 49, e0841242024.
Ghafari, T, Mazzetti, C, Garner, K, Gutteling, T & Jensen, O 2024, 'Modulation of alpha oscillations by attention is predicted by hemispheric asymmetry of subcortical regions', eLife, vol. 12, RP91650.
Lin, R, Meng, X, Chen, F, Li, X, Jensen, O, Theeuwes, J & Wang, B 2024, 'Neural evidence for attentional capture by salient distractors', Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 932-944.
Duecker, K, Idiart, M, van Gerven, M, Jensen, O & Panzeri, S (ed.) 2024, 'Oscillations in an artificial neural network convert competing inputs into a temporal code', PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 20, no. 9, e1012429.
Bezsudnova, Y, Quinn, AJ, Wynn, SC & Jensen, O 2024, 'Spatiotemporal Properties of Common Semantic Categories for Words and Pictures', Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1760-1769.
Bonnefond, M, Jensen, O & Clausner, T 2024, 'Visual Processing by Hierarchical and Dynamic Multiplexing', eNeuro, vol. 11, no. 11, ENEURO.0282-24.2024.
Melloni, L, Mudrik, L, Pitts, M, Bendtz, K, Ferrante, O, Górska, U, Hirschhorn, R, Khalaf, A, Kozma, C, Lepauvre, A, Liu, L, Mazumder, D, Richter, D, Zhou, H, Blumenfeld, H, Boly, M, Chalmers, DJ, Devore, S, Fallon, F, de, LFP, Jensen, O, Kreiman, G, Luo, H, Panagiotaropoulos, TI, Dehaene, S, Koch, C & Tononi, G 2023, 'An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory.', PLOS One, vol. 18, no. 2.
Popov, T, Gips, B, Weisz, N & Jensen, O 2023, 'Brain areas associated with visual spatial attention display topographic organization during auditory spatial attention', Cerebral Cortex, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 3478-3489.
Brothers, T, Jensen, O, Kuperberg, GR & Wang, L 2023, 'Dissociating the pre-activation of word meaning and form during sentence comprehension: Evidence from EEG representational similarity analysis', Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Review article
Jensen, O 2024, 'Distractor inhibition by alpha oscillations is controlled by an indirect mechanism governed by goal-relevant information', Communications Psychology, vol. 2, no. 1, 36.
Bonnefond, M & Jensen, O 2024, 'The role of alpha oscillations in resisting distraction', Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
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